Beginning August 31, 2024, motorists without radio frequency identification (RFID) devices and those with deficient monetary balance or load will face fines when entering or exiting expressways.
According to Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2024-001, signed by the Department of Transportation, Land Transportation Office (LTO), and Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) on August 1, 2024, motorists who enter toll roads without a valid RFID or electronic toll collection (ETC) device, or with a malfunctioning device, will be fined as follows:
First offense - P1,000
Second offense - P2,000
Subsequent offenses - P5,000 per offense
Those exiting the expressway with an insufficient balance will also face the following fines:
First offense - P500
Second offense - P1,000
Subsequent offenses - P2,500 per offense
For motorists using counterfeit or attempting to counterfeit, and damaging RFID devices and e-cards when entering and exiting toll expressways, the following fines may also be imposed:
First offense - P1,000
Second offense - P2,000
Subsequent offenses - P5,000 per offense
Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2024-001 will become effective at the end of this month.
(Photos by Vera Victoria)