Beginning August 31, 2024, motorists without radio frequency identification (RFID) devices and those with deficient monetary balance or load will face fines when entering or exiting expressways.

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According to Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2024-001, signed by the Department of Transportation, Land Transportation Office (LTO), and Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) on August 1, 2024, motorists who enter toll roads without a valid RFID or electronic toll collection (ETC) device, or with a malfunctioning device, will be fined as follows:

First offense - P1,000
Second offense - P2,000
Subsequent offenses - P5,000 per offense

Those exiting the expressway with an insufficient balance will also face the following fines:

First offense - P500
Second offense - P1,000
Subsequent offenses - P2,500 per offense

For motorists using counterfeit or attempting to counterfeit, and damaging RFID devices and e-cards when entering and exiting toll expressways, the following fines may also be imposed:

First offense - P1,000
Second offense - P2,000
Subsequent offenses - P5,000 per offense

Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2024-001 will become effective at the end of this month.

(Photos by Vera Victoria)