A Korean man who operated an illegal Korean video streaming platform in the Philippines and charged 4,000 PHP every three months is now detained at the Bureau of Immigration (BI) Detention Facility in Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City.
(Photo from the Bureau of Immigration)
55-year-old Kim Jongsik was arrested by agents of the BI Fugitive Search Unit in his home in Barangay Santo Nino, Angeles City, Pampanga on August 6, 2024. He has long been a wanted man in Seoul, Korea for unauthorized selling of a video streaming platform on the internet, a violation of his homeland's copyright laws.
A warrant of arrest was issued by the Busan District Court against Kim as early as October 2002. However, Kim was found to be operating an illegal Korean-language video streaming platform in the country.
He arrived in the country on April 18, 2019, and has not left since. The BI also issued a summary deportation before the arrest warrant from South Korea against Kim was released.
Kim's deportation to South Korea is being prepared to face his case in his homeland, and he has been blacklisted by the BI.