The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has reached an agreement with SMS Global Technologies Inc. and Sequent Tech Inc. on June 25, 2024, to implement the nation's first online voting and counting system (OVCS) for overseas Filipino voters.

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(Image from PTV)

Online voting will offer the opportunity for a greater number of Filipinos abroad to participate in elections.

"As we are arranging voting for our countrymen here in our country, we should offer the same experience to our compatriots abroad," stated Comelec Chairman George Garcia during the signing with SMS Global Technologies, Inc. and Sequent Tech, Inc.

Garcia encourages Filipinos abroad to register for the upcoming election.

"You can vote even if you are undocumented, even if you have no permanent address," Garcia added.

Garcia assures that the OVCS is secure and reliable. "We believe in modern technology like internet banking, paying bills using the internet, there's no difference with internet voting."

Voters only need to register on the portal using their full name, a password, phone number, email address, and upload an identification card.

In a statement, Comelec disclosed that their joint venture had the lowest bid for OVCS expenditure among the four bidders for the upcoming 2025 midterm elections.

According to Comelec, their bid of PHP 112 million is significantly lower than the allocated budget of PHP 465.8 million for OVCS procurement.