There are currently 1,638,588 registered Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the Philippines, with 914,361 females and 966,421 males, as reported by the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA).

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(Picture of NCDA)

In celebration of the National Disability Rights Week, everyone is encouraged to collaborate in order to protect the rights of PWDs and address their issues.

According to the most recent report from the NCDA, dated June 8, 2024, the highest number of registered PWDs have physical disabilities, totaling 646,208. The least number of registered PWDs have unique diseases, totaling 31,052.

The area in the country with the highest number of registered PWDs is the National Capital Region, with 293,073. The area with the least is the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, with 16,218.

To register as a PWD under the authority of the Republic Act 9442 or the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, one simply needs to sign the PWD Registration Form, which can be obtained at any PWD Registration Centers (inquire at your city or municipal government or at your barangay).

Bring two recent 1"x1" ID pictures. Provide a document proving your medical condition or disability (medical certificate).

This can be submitted to your town or city government, or to the barangay captain.