A total of 1,131 power meters have been stolen from areas serviced by the Manila Electric Company (Meralco) from January to June 2024.

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(Photo of Meralco)

This figure represents a 63% increase from the 695 meters reportedly stolen during the same period in 2023.

Meralco has also reported an increase in power cable theft and the online sale of stolen cables and meters.

Meralco is currently coordinating with the Philippine National Police and other government agencies to address these illegal activities promptly.

"We remind the public that these meters are property of Meralco and we do not charge customers for their use. The theft, sale and purchase of stolen meters is against the law and punishable under it," said Meralco Vice President and head of Corporate Communications, Joe Zaldarriaga.

Meralco has warned that these meters are marked to identify them as company property.

"We appeal to the public to report these incidents to Meralco and the authorities to prevent possible service disruptions and ensure everyone's safety," added Zaldarriaga.

Those found guilty of stealing and selling these stolen meters are in violation of Republic Act No. 7832 or the Anti-Electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/Materials Pilferage Act of 1994.

Offenders can face up to 12 years in prison or be fined P50,000 to P100,000, or both.

Those who buy and use stolen meters also face penalties under the Presidential Decree No. 1612, or the Anti-Fencing Law of 1972.