A small asteroid hit Northern Luzon earlier today (September 5, 2024), appearing as a fireball that illuminated the sky. It traveled at a speed of 20.8 km/s.

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(Screenshot from Marvin Coloma's video)

Netizens posted videos from various parts of Cagayan capturing the asteroid's fall at 12:39 a.m.

One of the videos was posted by Marvin Coloma from Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

Another video was from Mikyla Zipagan Lumauig, taken in Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

The asteroid 2024 RW1 was only detected a few hours before it hit Earth. Prior to this, the European Space Agency stated that the one-meter-wide asteroid was not dangerous.

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(Screenshot from Marvin Coloma's video)

"This is just the ninth asteroid that humankind has ever spotted before impact," said the European Space Agency.

The asteroid or meteoroid, formerly known as CAQTDL2, was discovered by Jacqueline Fazekas from the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey.