Four members of one family tragically lost their lives when their house on Gumamela Street in Katipunan Village, Barangay Western Bicutan, Taguig City was engulfed in flames in the early hours of October 5.
Among the victims was twenty-year-old Naser Entuna, who had been due to graduate from a seaman course.
Also perished in the fire was a woman known as Inday, along with her thirteen-year-old twin daughters and Entuna's cousins, Jhanna and Hanna.
Inday's eldest son managed to escape the fire because he was staying over with a classmate.
"She had a bad dream about me. In the dream, I had an accident so she didn't let me sleep at home. My classmate woke me up to tell me our house was on fire. I didn't even know that my mom had died," the tearful son of Inday recounted.
Naser's mother, Lucia Entuna, was unable to hold back her tears as she mourned her lost son.
"It hurts so much. All of my son's dreams... my son was about to graduate as a seaman."
Neighbors attempted to extinguish the fire but by the time they woke up, the house's ceiling had already collapsed. Four fire trucks responded to the scene but struggled to immediately put out the fire, which did not exceed the first alarm. Due to the house being made of wood, it quickly burned to the ground.
Preliminary investigations by the Bureau of Fire Protection suggest that a left-on electric fan could possibly be the origin of the fire.
(Photos from the FB account of Lucia Entuna)